Thursday, August 25, 2005

Week 006 - Meeting with Naomie

Hours: 3-5

I've been playing with CSS, trying to get some 'colors' organised for the seasons. Peter must have been in my head because he had pretty close to the same colors as I did. :)

Naomie was really happy with the design - she seemed to really like it, which was great. It was nice and clean and from a coding point of view - it won't be too hard to implement.

I gave her a client/software agreement to sign that said she was non-profit and using educational software, etc. And also gave her a hard-copy of the documentation. I had emailed her a soft copy, but brought one along just incase.

She really wants a database.
I explained that I was still studying it and Peter has just finished it - and then thought: I know one of their last assignments was to make one in html - if we could use that and change things around - or give it to me for a look at how it was done, then maybe I can modify it to make it work. I think I'll have to talk more with Lindsay.
I said to her that we'll work something out - and if that didn't work and she didn't mind waiting till I was done with study, I can work on it later.

We had a look at the park and she told us stories about the park - showed us the 'wood-pile' and we bumped through many potholes in her poor little car that she forgets is not a 4wd. :p

She showed me this really awesome Trigger Plant - if you poke it in the middle it'll stick it's 'tongue' out and attempt to pollenate you.
Also we went bird watching - saw some stilts, nesting black swans and ducks: so all my bird watching on the internet was not in vain.

She actually has never heard of Bird Australia - I was telling her that I was researching and doing google searches for flora native to Mornington (which we both agreed there was hardly anything out there - hence she really wants a database/list) and I had stumbled across that website and there were hundred and hundreds of people putting lists of birds they found in the park. She remarked that they had always waved to these people but they never waved back - too busy with their binoculars. So she said it would be good if they could link them up (somehow) to the website as well other "Friends of".

Oh - She also brought out the book that Tom had already given to us: she said that she wanted common names for them - like the Trigger Plant... so that people can identify with them as well as images.


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