Sunday, May 22, 2005

Week 11 - Conversations.

Hours: 1 1/2

Our rehearsal has been pushed back an hour. We were suppose to meet at 430, but I think Kim is still working. He said 5-530, which is fine except we both have dinner commitments - but all we really need is a group run through which shouldn't take us so long.

I am picking Peter up due to his car troubles.

I feel like we seem to be having a lot... excessive issues, and in a way I feel terrible about it because I wonder if it's normal. Peter and I have had a bit of bad luck with Studio 2, and we've had a fair issues with this studio subject too - and I'm feeling a bit whiny, even though it has all been relevant and all valid issues. I suppose it's all part of the group process.

Kall and I spoke for a very long time about the project and the issues.
She and I both are feeling very run down (as I'm sure most people are), we are getting sick - she's getting constant migraines, I woke up this morning with a bad headcold and not knowing whether I feel cold or hot. :p
Consequences of being stressed, not getting enough sleep, too many assignments due at the same time and being in a place where bugs and viruses live in abundance. :p

Kall said that she felt as though she was feeling like she had to do everything and a lot of the weight was being pressed onto her. It wasn't that she felt we weren't pulling all the weight - it was just general stress issues.
I was a bit irked at that but explained reasonably that a lot of us feel that she speaks as though she knows a lot and what she's doing and we just bow deference to her. I think the boys especially feel like that.
I realised that early on - as we were discussing effects/color issues and I pressed doing it in color, but applying effects and she really pressed for black and white - and the boys didn't say too much. I think they didn't want to stir the pot, so to speak and didn't understand it was more of a group/creative process.

It was understandable, I suppose, especially for such a quiet person like Kim. And two rather louder speaking characters like us (who also speak as though we know what we want and what we want to achieve and in a somewhat authoratative process) it would be a bit hard for them to feel as though they were being heard or could be, for that matter.

Anyway. I was feeling a bit irked on the inside when Kall said that she felt she was or had to do all the work.
It had been discussed in the beginning that Peter and I did Pre-Production, Kall and Kim were editing.
I said to her that I always thought that they were editing - and she said that she thought so to but because Kim didn't say anything she just thought she had to do it all and went ahead to do it.

Understandable, but also everything was at her place... so it was hard for us to speak up. I know at times it was hard for me to speak up as well because it was her place, her space and her equipment, I don't really feel comfortable, or have a right to ask her to 'shove over' :) and let someone else have a go.

She admittedly said that she was a bit loud - which probably didn't help.
I explained to her about Kim's feelings - and she said that she felt like she wasn't being told anything... but I assured her that it wasn't the case, that yes, Kim had spoken to me in passing about his feelings and that the only reason why Peter knew and she wasn't aware was because he had spoken to Ruben, and Ruben had approached us in Studio 2.

She felt like it was her fault, or our fault that he felt that way.
I said that it is partially our fault, but also his fault. The blame doesn't lie with one person - yes perhaps we should have spoken up or delagated things to people, which we did, but he has to speak up, that is how the group knows what's going on and how you're feeling. To her credit, while Kall may ramble on about something, she does stop and ensures that the group understands and ask for their thoughts.

Personally, I think Kim just doesn't feel comfortable enough speaking out in a group situation, which is fine and understandable (I used to be as quiet and shy as he did and it doesn't help that he's very soft-spoken too) but he has to find a way to communicate, and speak about what he wants to do.

Here's the solution we finally come up with.
In context, Kim is doing only one subject. He works full-time, yes, but his nights are generally free as he has no homework apart from Studio. He's been feeling he hasn't done enough for the group. He wants to be involved with editing, he has been researching throughout the semester about Premiere, etc.
I suggested that we allow Kim to edit. Give him the footage, give him a week to get together the base of VB.
Realistically, if we all were doing one studio subject, either one of us could be editing. But as us three are pressed with other major assignments, and he does want to do something - let's give him the chance to be involved.

Kall is afraid that he won't know what he's doing or what he's doing is good - but I argued that we have to give him a chance. He has been there for every meeting, he knows all the creative processes that VB has gone through, he has seen and heard our arguments of how the film should be and he knows the structure of the film should be like.
Sure that Kall has done film studies, and has done several little films - but as she even admitted, that doesn't make her an expert.
Let Kim breathe some fresh air into it.

The DVD and posters need work, which we'll discuss at the meeting.

As for Music: I really do want to compose something - but I don't have the time. I need the creative time to sit down and relax and brush up on my skills and figure out the right notation so we could use a program like Garage man. I can sit down and play a composition - I know my skills are okay enough for that, that I can play a melody at the top of my head and it would/should sound half-way decent but it's the recording and/or the notation that I have trouble with.
Not that I felt comfortable enough with composing in the first place!

My suggestion was to do Ruben's: find a classical piece. But then again, I need the time to find the right one (though I had found some earlier) that everyone is happy with and the time to enter it into the program like Garage Man.

So at the moment, for the presentation we'll find some freeware stuff.
We'll see how we go for the rest.
If we run into troubles - we submit it with freeware music - and over the hols, I'll have time to compose.


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