Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Week 13 - One of the Last Updates.

Hours: 5-6+

Haven't had a chance with updating the diary what with end of semester and lots of things happening that unfortunately had to take priority because they were due first.

Typed up presentation notes and set up powerpoint last week.
Also looked up and jotted down notes for the plant database, ready to be added to the site.

I went back and removed all the links that Peter originally thought up and added a Success Story section.

The site now is finally up and running in it's final form - Peter ended up doing a flash intro thing to the site, which I'm not sure about but I really don't want to be fiddling too much more with the site - given the time and day.

I had gotten the divider images, the updated map - all this was added along with a new styling stuff (especially for the links - which I wasn't too happy with either and it now comes out underlined and the same yellow as the banner). I added all the plant database information I found and styled it.

Our design page is up - I also created an email address for us in hotmail: p2_designs

Peter also changed the colors of the banners to fit with the 4 seasons - but I'm not too happy with some of the colors, I think they're a bit too 'fierce' and a bit too 'harsh' and it needs to be toned down and made more "pastely".

I'm supposed to call VicNet which I will do after this presentation - but maybe even after exams.. or sometime during then.

I'm yet to do a user guide, which I'll have to think about a bit.

There are a few issues though:
The website goes a bit funny in Firefox. This has been somethign that has just recently cropped up. It only happens in the Plant Database so I don't know if maybe it's got something to do within Peter's coding - I am beginning to really loathe Dreamweaver (and Fireworks) the code is very messy and unreadable... but there was nothing I could see that really stood out to mess with it.

So am thinking that maybe it's a Firefox thing - I know it disables my styling so maybe something has bothered it about the menu - although it's strange that it's only that particular page... but no one else has said anything about it when I've sent the site off to be "tested".

What happens is that it scrolls the banner space - so it can disappear off into never-neverland.
Image as follows. :)

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Week 11 - Hmm.

Hours: 1/2hr.

I have prepared myself for a good (at least ) 4 and a half hours work... but Naomie has only sent me a page.
Which is the heathlands section.
So I've added that.
I guess I'll go back and figure out the styling later and think about the menu system and whether I want to switch it over - at this stage maybe not, though later I might... just for curiosity sake - as you know previously, I have not been happy with fireworks.

She sent a map which looks similiar if not close to being the same as Peter's but I'll have a closer look at it and we'll decide.
Granted, she hasn't been able to have a look at it for some reason - so I'll have to figure out what the problem was - coz I can see it fine and I think that Peter can see it fine too... and Iv'e tested it on two other computers and it looks fine.

I'm wondering if it has to do with the active x control thing.
Though she should have turned it off for the menu system.

She says "Once, the box disappears as soon as my mouse goes that low (to click on Park Map) and it appears to have no link."

I can think of two reasons.
One/ Mac issues.
Two/ Active X, for sure?
I'll send her the direct link so she can at least have a look - but I didn't realise she couldn't see anything! She didn't say anything! :)

Anyway. I guess styling bits and pieces and thinking more about the menu system.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Week 11 - Content Uploaded.

Hours: 2-3.

The website is up and running on my ISP account. :) With a few little glitches - i.e. the bottom navigation is still giving me issues because of the divs.

Naomie seems to be quite happy with it - she has sent it off to Tony for feedback. I also recieved some content pages from her which I have put up.

Some short notes:
- might need to change menu titles.
- more distinct links maybe
- bigger text? (though I quite like it)
- formatting of text: may have too many underlines... might need to reformat once I have the final version.

I uploaded content for the links in
- your garden (change to your park?)
- home
- plan your next visit
- ecology (with a page on red gum woodlands)
- member

I think there will probably be a need to change the menu titles, as well as a shifting around of things... I have funny feeling that a lot of the menu links we have there will be useless and instead will be combined into one more coherent and comprehensive page.

I've also started making notes on useful tags and stuff in lieu of the User Guides.
Apart from that, things seem to be going swimmingly.